He who saves a single life, it is as though he has saved the entire world.
 - Hillel

Helping children since 1991
To donate to Project Rehovot please go to
the JCA Donations page and choose
"World Jewish Concers/Project Rehovot.
The Project

Project Rehovot, in the Ma'alot Meshulam public elementary school, Rehovot, Israel, helps immigrant children, children of immigrants, and others having difficulty in school.

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The Project supports the salary of a part-time teacher/therapist who uses photography, music, writing, drawing, storytelling, etc. to develop the childrens' language, self-esteem, alienation, behavioral and adjustment issues.

The Children

Project Rehovot began by helping Russian immigrants. Currently  most of the children are Ethiopian and come from families struggling with significant economic and social problems, high unemployment, inadequate housing and drug abuse. 65% of the children live in poverty.

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These children cannot have their needs addressed in the regular classroom; their parents are unable to afford additional services.
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The Impact

Project Rehovot works!  It is small in scope, serving about 30 children annually, but has a lasting impact. Classroom teachers say that Project Rehovot children become better able to learn and interact with peers and teachers. 


The Project is run solely by a committee of volunteers, largely from the Jewish Community of Amherst, who raise  funds for the teacher's salary, communicate with the Principal and Teacher, and oversee the budget.

100% of the funds raised go to Project Rehovot.

Donors, Friends and Committee members visit annually, meeting with the Principal, Teacher and the Children.
Tigist Tigist lives with her mother and siblings in a dilapidated apartment. Coming from an agrarian society in Ethiopia, Tigist's mother cannot help with school work nor speak Hebrew well. In the regular classroom, Tigist was withdrawn, non-verbal and fell behind in her studies. After two years in the Project Rehovot classroom, her school work improved, she has several friends and feels more confident speaking Hebrew.

Your donations make this possible.

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